Full terms and conditions of registration are provided at the point of booking, but please note that it is not possible to swap between groups once the course has started unless exceptional circumstances are applicable. If you wish to cancel your place on the course you may do so by providing us with notice by email to [email protected]  or telephone to 0333 090 3355 at any time up until 30 days prior to the date of your first course module and we will provide a full refund of the course fees paid or (if you so request) use all reasonable efforts to transfer your booking to an alternative course date in the future.*

*If you wish to cancel or withdraw from the course at any time after 30 days prior to the date of your first course module, you shall not be entitled to any refund of course fees paid and/or will still be liable for any outstanding fees to be paid. However, if you provide us with notice 10 working days or more prior to the date of your first course module, we will use all reasonable efforts to transfer your booking to an alternative course date in the future.*