This group is now fully booked. Spaces are still available in Group E, click here to register.
This Interview Preparation Day forms the second part of a 3-day APC Success course through which we bring together individual candidates from multiple firms to prepare for the Autumn 2021 sitting of the RICS Assessment of Professional Competence. This course is suitable for APC candidates on the Commercial, Residential, Property Finance & Investment and Planning & Development pathways only.
Despite the Covid-19 restrictions, we are continuing to offer our market-leading APC support to candidates. Our courses are being delivered via distance learning and we are delighted with the terrific feedback we have had about this method of delivery. Training will remain online until we and our venue providers are convinced that appropriate strategies can be implemented to ensure the safety of our clients and coaches. We manage the courses carefully to ensure that attendees still benefit from an interactive approach to learning that enables them to:
- Identify the strengths and weaknesses in their APC preparation to date
- Target APC preparation at aspects which require most work for them
- Interact with the best APC coaches during the sessions
- Meet other candidates in the same boat
- Benefit from ongoing out-of-session APC support until their interview
- Have an enjoyable APC training experience!
The full day of intensive and interactive revision will cover:
- Conduct Rules, Ethics and Professional Practice
- Mandatory competencies
- Core competencies: Inspection, Measurement, Valuation (& Development Appraisals)
- How to respond to Assessors’ questions: Practical Question & Answer techniques
- Revision techniques: Action planning for the final assessment
Any remaining tickets for our 3-day course, which includes an APC paperwork Preparation Day and two Interview Preparation Days, are available here. If you are interested in attending the Interview Preparation Days only, please click here or contact us directly at [email protected] .
Please note that in accordance with RICS guidelines, as an external coach it will not be possible to read your submission and make comments. However, on-going social media/email support is available to answer any queries which you may have.
You can download the full Autumn 2021 Course Prospectus by clicking on the image below.